Monday, June 2, 2008

How to prevent premenstrual acne or pimples and ivory soap acne

Even though your acne condition is probably really severe, and you might be really frustrated of this situation. But take my advice, don't ever get stressed up because of acne. Stress has a direct direction with acne. When you are stressed, your body's immune system is deteriorated and the hormone secretion becomes unregulated. In the end you acne will only get worse if you are depressed. So relax, take a deep breath when you feel so stressed up. Remember, your acne will never stay on your face forever. It will leave sooner or later.
Phisohex Facewash- The cheapest ones always seems to make more of a difference than the more expensive ones, don't they? I think it's because the cheapest ones don't make huge claims like there product is going to cure your acne in 3 days. Phisohex Facewash is quite an effective solution, use it consistently and you will see a big difference. Another 5 out of 5 from me.
• Go for regular walks in clean and green parks and take gulps of fresh air.
tags: acne,dry skin,missed period, skin peel on acne porn skin, top five acne treatments

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