Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne homeopathic remedy

« ...Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is simply put- an inflammatory disease of the skin. Acne shows itself in the form of pimples, zits or spots. It is often caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units. The pilosebaceous units refer to the skin which consists of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. "Acne" derives from the Greek words "acme" (which means skin erruption) and "bacne" or "backne". The latter terms are often used to refer to the form of acne found on one's back....
...There are a number of professional approaches that perform acne scar removal to help you get rid of the pitted look and restore your skin to full radiance. The treatment may depend on the type and severity of the scar and the patient's response....»
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«...The worst food for acne is vegetable oil. It causes massive hormonal imbalance and results in the worst kind of acne - cystic, inflamed zits that take ages to disappear. Vegetable oil is most commonly consumed by using certain cooking oils like sunflower oil. Once I cut vegetable oil out of my diet my acne cleared up DRAMATICALLY....»
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tags: body acne during pregnancy, get rid of acne and pimples in one day, home remedies for acne on the back

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