Monday, August 4, 2008

Different skin care producks for acne and pills for acne in men

When choosing the products, you want to read the ingredients and see how suitable it is for your skin type. Not all companies produce the same quality products, even if they contain the same kind of ingredients. If you have sensitive skin, look for products that have gentle cleansing properties.
Exposure to chlorinated dioxins can also cause acne. And a specific kind of acne, Halogen acne, is the result of exposure to bromides, chlorides and iodides, all know as halogens.
The real acne cure involves looking at the body and how it operates. A large degree of what causes the body to do what it does is FOOD. Food gives the body energy, food feeds the body for growth and repair, and importantly, food affects your hormones...
tags: acne products compared, adult acne and facial hair related to hormonal imbalance, food thats causes acne

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