Monday, August 4, 2008

Prevent acne and acne mark fading peel reviews

Another known cause of acne is internal yeast overgrowth. This is also called Candida and has been known to be a factor cause of acne along with a lot of other health problems. There are many simple ways to find out if you have Candida. Simply get a glass of water and spit in it. See if the spit floats or sinks to the bottom. This will tell if you have acne. This yeast problem can be solved through avoiding your intake of sugary foods. Candida is killed also through taking beneficial bacteria such as Pro Biotic pills.
Wherever possible, avoid this type of medication. Understandably, some conditions will require them and there is little or no alternative. During these periods, you will need to work extra hard on your pH balance. Eating 80% raw vegetables and cutting out junk food and red meat altogether is a necessity, and in some cases (depending on the strength of your dosage) it will still not be enough. The only way to be sure your acne is at its absolute minimum while on anti-inflammatories is by eating entirely raw vegetables and maintaining a pH of 7 or slightly higher.
I highly recommend a very popular acne ebook called, "Acne Free In 3 Days". It provides a very detailed guide with many success stories to back up it's effectiveness. There have been many good reviews about it on the net. The author has even got some recent media attention on TV. In fact, his work was recently touted on Oprah and CNN news! Give it a shot! You have nothing to lose but your pimples!
tags: low potassium causes acne, natural acne cures, tea tree oil in cosmitics action for acne

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