Thursday, October 2, 2008

Oatmeal with honey good acne remedy

« ...If you do not like ginger, you can try garlic too. Garlic and ginger belong to the same family and garlic too has similar effects on your body. I have no idea if one of the herbs here is better than the other, but based on my personal experience, ginger and garlic have similar strength in treating acne. I prefer consuming ginger because its taste is much more acceptable to me when consumed in the form of juice. I can add honey, sugar and other flavorings to make it taste better. If you think garlic makes a great juice for you, then you might want to try garlic too. If it is possible, you should drink only pure, fresh ginger or garlic juice for maximum effects....
...Acne is the most distressing skin problem one can go through . Almost 90% of men and women have dealt with acne at some time or the other. Acne, unlike other skin problems affect people much more deeply. Part of the problems lies in wrong beliefs on what causes zits and how to treat it. This article will highlight some of these mistakes made in dealing with acne....»

«...There are several different types of acne scarring including; ice pick scarring, atrophic scarring and hypertrophic scarring. Ice pick scars are usually small deep pitted scars with steep jagged edges. Atrophic scars are smaller and soft, and over time change color and reduce in size. Hypertrophic scars are thick and lumpy and sit above the surface of the skin, much more common on the back and chest....»
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tags: adult acne natural remedies, does micro dermabrasion work for acne, how to use acne free severe terminator

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